Online refill system...
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Joni Stasiak MD
Steve Stasiak MD
Care for the entire family...
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Update:
We have officially switched to a new EMR program as of June 17th. Unfortunately, as is the case with most EMR systems, 90% of the data from our previous system will NOT transfer to the new one so please bear with us. We may be asking a lot of questions that you have previously answered and your visits may take longer than usual since we will be clicking back and forth between the new system and the old. Once we have the new system running at it’s full potential, you will have improved access to your records. The online patient portal will allow you to access just about everything in your chart, request appointments and refills, and much more.
Our refill system has been deactivated making way for the new. Click here for details...
We may direct you here to download various forms to complete before your visit...
Patient Forms
A few sites you may find useful when you are making medical decisions...
Healthcare Links
Dr Steve’s latest Brain CT!